Amu (River)
By Diyakah
In Mepe, a town along the Volta River, people made most of their income either by fishing or selling fish. In recent years, most of the fish in this area have died – thus leaving a large porpulation of people jobless and impoverished. Another problem faced in this community is access to drinking water; silt residing on the banks of the river cause weeds to grow in the water and renders the water unpotable. This documentary film demonstrated the effects of this issues barrenness on the lives of people in this geographical area.

Donald Dy-Yakah (Diyakah) is a Ghanaian independent filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist who is passionate about telling compelling purpose driven stories that instigate positive change in society. “My passion for creative art dates back to my childhood where I used to draw the cartoons I watched and characters from my comic books.” With seven Years of multimedia experience, Donald Dy-Yakah now runs a multimedia and digital marketing company called Pyrex Media Africa.